It's been awhile. Truthfully putting advertising angst into words takes some time and a bit of oomph. And I haven't had much of either - time or oomph.
My position remains of the rock/hard place variety. Such is my lot in advertising life and I continually work to accept said lot. Although in the past month or so they have also taken on some of an administrative assistant quality. Not my most favorite part of this job. As a former admin, I can proudly say with absolute authority that I suck so horribly at being an admin. So horribly in fact that I don't have enough words to really drive this point home. Maybe it's because working for people who can do for themselves only they don't because why-the-hell-should-they makes me bonkers. As if I needed extra bonkers. Bonker card = full w/ waiting list.
But I digress. My fun and slightly annoying story of the day.
My online client has taken to calling me only when she cannot find my direct supervisor. Today she called me and the conversation went something like this:
Me: "Hi Client. How are you?"
Client: "Is your sup here today?"
Me: "No, I believe she heads out tomorrow."
Client: "Do you know when she will be arriving?"
Me: checking business card that clearly does not read Untapped Brilliance Travel Specialist
"Erm. I believe tomorrow evening. Sup will call you when out of the meeting they are currently in."
Client: "Are we still having that meeting @ 10am?"
Me: Check calendar and see I am not in said meeting so rather than sound like I have no idea what the hell they are talking about I reply: "Yes, I believe she just wants to touch base before said meeting since you were out on Friday"
Client: "Hmm, OK. Thanks Untapped."
Me: "Hey Client - I sent you like 12 emails on Friday, a few with super-important-exclamation points. Would you like me to send again so they are at the top of your inbox?"
Client: clearly bored by me and my non-useful answers "What? Yes, I saw the emails and attachments. Thank you. Good-bye"
Advertising. How can you not love it?
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