Can someone please explain to me why changing printer toner is difficult? Further, adding paper to the EMPTY printer drawers ranks amongst one of the most difficult jobs EVER. A paper jam? CALL THE SECRET SERVICE.
My font boss called one of his underlings ACROSS THE AGENCY and asked him to print the agenda and then bring it to him. After I called him out he explained that the printer "is of the devil"
Really? You think Satan would bring us something that scans & emails in both color and b&w?
Interesting. (May I point out that this is someone entirely different from the person in my previous post. It's an epidemic)
So yesterday I was in our little cube that holds both the mamma-jamma copier/printer and the simple black & white LaserJet when I noticed that the b&w was running low. I opened the cabinet and pulled down the box of toner. And from behind me I hear,
"Oh you're going to try and change the printer toner? Girl you are BRAVE."
Is the printer going to attempt to block my attempt of changing it's toner with a battle cry and flying spears? Are there teeny snipers perched on the top most cabinet ready to fill me with teeny little bullets should I dare improve upon their master's printing ability?
Because if there is, our office service people don't get paid enough.
It's a printer. There are directions. When you READ them, you receive the SECRET KNOWLEDGE OF TONER.
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