Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today ... it may kill me

-Making major layout changes two days before we go on press
-Not have legal approval on an email that THE CLIENT was supposed to get
-Getting bitched at by same client on the delayed time to send the email
- Long meetings with someone who LOVES meetings and then asks for more
- Offers that make no sense
- Positioning that makes less sense
-Knowing that I have to do it all over again next quarter

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ELVIS HAS LEFT... oh wait he's right here.

My client is in the building surely mucking it up for the other half of the business she's on.
She required some pretty extensive changes to a quick strike campaign that needs to be out in 2 days.

I cannot get her to
a) review said revisions
b) check her email or
c) leave the meeting.

The irony of having a client IN THE BUILDING and not reachable is not lost on me.
Not one bit.