Friday, March 26, 2010

Now by request! With acronyms!

A good friend requested a post here. Apparently my ridiculous rants get her through the day - it takes all kinds, I guess. And at first, I thought... hmm what would I write about? Things have been doable. Well doable after a visit to my therapist and mid-afternoon alcoholic treats, but still doable.

And then I remembered. THE MEDIA GUY I HATE. Now media people... relax. I also have a media guy that I LOVE. And generally, I am all about my media peeps. They work hard, the stay late, the fight with vendors and they share all their delicious food. Although I do need to write a strongly worded letter about the freebies that never trickle down.

But this one guy... oh this guy.

You know when working with someone makes you dream of a career change to shoveling shit? No? Oh well that's because you haven't worked with THE MEDIA GUY THAT I HATE.
Why do I hate said media guy? He doesn't do his job. Look, maybe I was spoiled by MGTIL. He's amazing. Should have been promoted to MGTIH's position. And I have said so - REPEATEDLY.

Now you're thinking: You don't work in media. You don't know. Well dearest reader and lifelong friend, you're right. Because I can't judge someone who does a job I have never done. All valid.

Except I can. When you sit in a meeting on Christmas Eve and someone asks you about our current print buy and your response is "Oh yeah... I don't really know print. So I really have no idea."

DUDE. THAT IS YOUR JOB. YOUR JOB. You have been on this account FOR SIX MONTHS. And you don't know?!?!?!? And why don't you know?! Oh yeah - MGTIL RAN THIS ACCOUNT while you paid no attention. ZERO. NADA. FAIL. MEDIA GUY FAIL.

Oh and this little scenario? Pushed me over the edge.
Me: MGTIH, can you please tell me where I can find the media flowchart X?
MGTIH: We don't do those anymore.
Me: I need to find [insert something you should know]. Can you help me with that?
MGTIH: Well there's no easy answer to that.
Me (earning my place in heaven): "Is it really?"
MGTIH: Here. I will send you the folder path to the buy authorizations and you can figure it out.

Internet - I don't read buy authorizations. Do you know WHY I don't read buy authorizations? B/C I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM. And did I open those buy authorizations and PAGE THROUGH 40000 lines of data to find my answer. I did. Because I need the information. Information he SHOULD KNOW. Or at least be able to find easily with a mother-fucking flowchart.

Today he sat in a chair and whined about how the client's projects always start small and get bigger. Um, yeah. That's every client douchery doo - where the fuck have you been?

Lord. I am irate all over again. And I cannot end this post irate.

So... puppies, flowers and booze.

There. All better.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mad Men sitch looking good now

This week is "I-wish-I-stayed-home-and-babies" week. I have a hatred-pit in my stomach and every time I try to move forward on a project I get shot down by my personal favorite - lack of motherfucking communication. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.....I spent the afternoon spewing vitriol to my producer and another fellow minion.

Then one of our ADs stalked past me looking for her main creative who was missing an important client meeting (try not to be shocked). I realized right there that my job is about hunting people down - scheduling meetings, hounding clients, pushing production folks to meet deadlines. Why this came as a shock I don't know. But when the AD (who is a delight) marched past me barking for the GCD, I just thought Holy Shit. This is forever.

And then I took the next logical step... if this will always be this way, does it make more sense for me to run a family & a house? Sure, it's just as thankless and frustrating. But at least my husband won't come home and say "Hey can you do a face sheet for clients that you don't know? I mean, I know I have an admin and all but you would love this fool's errand!"

Yes. Having children and staying at home is not easy. And NOT fun. But sometimes, the mom grass is a little greener. Which is why I call it the "stay-home-and-have-babies" WEEK. Or mood, if you prefer. Next week I will go visit a good friend with an undoubtedly gorgeous child that refuses to sleep or has learned to scream the word "NO" or poops all over their crib regularly and I will think OH THANK GOD MY CREATIVE TEAM DOESN'T POOP IN THEIR OFFICE.